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- April 20, 2022
Plastic artist and illustrator. Although, if you ask him, he will probably answer that he is a painter. He also works as a teacher; having taught courses and workshops on painting, comic and illustration in: Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura, Programa Formativo de Sireo, Fnac Parque Principado or the AlNorte Art Days, among other places.
The art critic Ángel Antonio Rodríguez has written about him:
“His work is committed to interpretive efficiency, slow executed compositions that point themselves to their limits. The energy of reality, or the power of fantasy, analyzed from multiple points of view”.
His facet as a plastic artist has been developing since 1977 and has led him to exhibit continuously having received awards and distinctions in several competitions. Among the latter stands out:
Premio Artista Joven Revelación del Principado de Asturias, Consejería de Educación y Cultura (Young Revelation Artist Award of the Principality of Asturias, Ministry of Education and Culture)
Premio Nacional de Cómic Valencia Crea (Valencia Crea National Comic Award)
Premio Nacional de Dibujo Daniel Martínez Pedrayes (Daniel Martinez Pedrayes National Drawing Award)
Beca en la IV Semana de Arte Contemporáneo AlNorte (IV Week of Contemporary Art AlNorte scholarship)
PremioAdquisición en La XIII Bienal de Arte La Carbonera por parte del Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias (Acquisition Award at the XIII La Carbonera Art Biennial by the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias)